Monday 27 June 2011

Grade ramble

I have a science GCSE exam tomorrow.
I have had so many over the past month English,drama,maths,I.T,History,R.E etc
I've done two science GCSE exams before which is why I'm not really "worried". I literally revised for like 15 mins just reading over things on Bitesize but then gave up and thought blahh if I fails I fail.
I passed one of my science exams before by getting a C but then failed the next one (I got a D).
I'm hoping to get a C  in this one just so it all balances out well.
I'm pretty good at other subjects (I'd like to think) because I generally get a B and above.
My best grades are in English (A*), Drama (A-) and maths where I just got an A.
I'm hoping to go to sixth form and uni, so I'm willing to try hard in all my subjects ... well apart from science. Its just not my forte.

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